Car accident? Let's talk about whiplash


Cervical acceleration/deceleration syndrome (CAD), or known simply as “whiplash”, is most commonly found in victims of a motor vehicle accident. Victims of motor vehicle accidents are seen by chiropractors in Midtown, Manhattan every day. Symptoms of whiplash can vary and may include: neck pain, headaches, numbness/tingling in the arms, muscle weakness, visual disturbances, dizziness, low back pain, tinnitus, difficulty sleeping, light and noise sensitivity, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss.

Studies have shown that 83% of motor vehicle accident (MVA) victims suffer a whiplash injury. These injuries can have long lasting symptoms; more than 50% of MVA victims reports ongoing neck pain a year after the accident. Five years later, whiplash victims were 50% more likely to report pain than non-whiplash patients.

Studies have suggested that a rear-end collision causes greater bodily harm than being involved in an accident from any other direction. Collisions of as low as 5mph have shown significant whiplash symptoms.

Early treatment of whiplash injuries produces better outcomes. Studies have shown that treatment of “chronic whiplash” has limited success. Chiropractic care can help whiplash victims return to normal if intervention is started early. Stretching and myofascial release of the muscles of the upper back and neck along with spinal manipulation has been proven to improve stiffness and restoring normal joint mechanics. Patients are more likely to improve when they are actively involved in their care; the incorporation of targeted exercises provides significant benefit for restoring mobility as well as stabilizing the spine.

Level Up Sports Chiropractic is a studio clinic delivering 1-on-1 rehabilitation to those in Murray Hill, New York City. If you work or live near Midtown Manhattan, contact us for a consultation!

Dr. Daniel Huang