Current Guidelines for Outdoor Running during COVID-19 Pandemic


Avoid crowded tracks/trails
It is important to plan a route that is free from crowds and other runners. Local tracks are still reporting moderate turn-outs and local law enforcement are cracking down on overcrowded parks. Study your neighborhood and consider running on the sidewalk. If you see a pedestrian ahead of you, think 2-3 steps ahead and calculate how you can run around them safely.

Wear a face covering
CDC guidelines recommends that everyone wear a face mask in public. We understand that running with a mask impedes our ability to breathe but the point of this rule is to promote common sense. If you know your route is free from pedestrians, you can run without your mask at your own risk

Avoid running in groups
This is a no brainer. Run solo is the best at the moment. If you live with a partner who also runs, maintain a MINIMUM of a 6-8 ft distance between the two of you. All group runs from clubs should be cancelled

While running in the streets, run AGAINST traffic
This rule might be odd for those who never run in the street before but this is not a new rule. When you run on the street, you can see cars coming at you. However, depending on where you live, some neighborhoods require runners to run on the sidewalk only

Avoid touching traffic buttons
Do they even work?

Respect local rules
Depending on where you live, parks may be closed or you must be running a certain distance from your home. Check our your state/neighborhood website to stay up to date with local and state rules

Level Up Sports Chiropractic is a studio clinic delivering 1-on-1 rehabilitation to those in Murray Hill, New York City. If you work or live near Midtown Manhattan, contact us for a consultation!

Dr. Daniel Huang