On-Site Physical Therapy Coming Soon!


We are pleased to announce that we are partnering up with Dr. John Zhou, Physical Therapist, and moving to a bigger office within the same building.

This new on-site partnership allows each of our existing patients to have the option to be referred to chiropractic treatment or physical therapy if the patient chooses to or if their condition warrants additional care.

The new location will feature a common rehab space and two separate rooms operated each by Dr. Dan and Dr. John for private individual treatments for their patients.

We are hoping for a great smooth transition and once our move is complete, Dr. Dan and Dr. John will reach out to our existing patients of the location change!

Common Questions:

Are you both the same company?

No, we are both separate businesses that share the same space and booking website!

Will our treatment be changed?

No. Treatment will still be 1-on-1 and patient-centered. Just…a brighter, bigger space! However if a patient chooses to also be seen by the other doctor for extended treatment, we can make additional arrangements.

I liked the privacy that came with treatment. Will you still have a private room?

Yes. Dr. Dan and Dr. John will each have separate treatment rooms for private health discussions and treatment with their patients. The rehab/exercise space is our common area so there will be some cross-interactions when the doctors are doing exercises with their patients.

What’s the difference between Sports Chiropractic and Physical Therapy?

Honestly? Not much! Just like an Osteopath and a Medical Doctor have an overlapping scope of practice, chiropractic and physical therapy also have many similarities.

Dr. Dan is a chiropractor who specializes in rehab so in addition to manual therapy and adjustments, he’s trained to deliver corrective exercises to help patients get better. However, in New York State, the scope is only limited to the spine (unless it’s nerve-related).

This is where physical therapy shines. In addition to spine health, they are allowed to treat extremities such as shoulder, elbow, knee, and foot injuries.

You can schedule a discovery call with one of us if you have any questions as to which doctor you should see for your injury.

Dr. Daniel Huang