How to Promote a Healthy Spine


The Gift of a Healthy Spine: Things You Can Do to Promote Wellness

There’s no doubt that a healthy spine helps to ensure you can remain in top shape for your entire life. Here are some tips that will help you accomplish that goal and reap all the benefits!

Properly Supported and Position During Sleep 
Taking proper care of your spine means making sure the mattress and pillows you use each night provide the right level of support. The goal is to alleviate stress on the spine. Doing so prevents stiffness, inflammation, and helps you to sleep more soundly. Since a good-night’s rest is critical to good health in general, these wise choices will help to ensure you awake refreshed, free of stiffness, and ready to take on the day.

Exercise is Your Friend 
Exercise is good for every part of the body, including the spine. Make it a point to work out at least three times a week for forty minutes to an hour. Include exercises that help to strengthen your core, including the lower back and the shoulders. Doing so enhances the muscles that support your spine and increase stability. When done properly, regular exercise is one of the most important approaches to natural healing as well as maintaining excellent health.

Your Choice of Footwear Matters 
Did you know that those cheap shoes could be causing problems for your spine? Ideally, the footwear you choose provides excellent support for the arches and the rest of your feet. This in turn eases stress on the legs and your spine. If you tend to feel discomfort in the legs and lower back by the end of the day, try wearing a pair of shoes with greater arch support. They will do wonders in terms of helping you enjoy good health. Feel free to ask about that during your next visit to Level Up Sports Chiropractic.

Massage, Adjustments, and Alignments are a Must 
Along with what you can do, it never hurts to have a professional spend some time on your back and spine. Chiropractic care is the answer for many people. A chiropractor can determine if there is any tension or stress in the back, hips, and joints. You may be surprised what a chiropractic adjustment or professional massage therapy can do to help everything from back pain to anxiety & headaches

An Ergonomic Work Chair is Worth the Investment 
How much time do you spend in front of a computer during the work day? If you are like many people, at least seven of the eight hours is spent sitting in a chair and staring at a screen. Investing in an ergonomic chair will do wonders for your spine by easing stress and promoting proper posture. Along with the chair, make sure you get up at least every 45 minutes or so and walk around for a couple of minutes.

Taking care of your spine provides all sorts of benefits. Make some changes in how you live your life, including making it a point to see a chiropractor from time to time. Doing so will promote natural healing and help you to feel your best for years to come.

Here at Level Up Sports Chiropractic, we will go over proper ergonomics when it comes to your desk set up!

Dr. Daniel Huang