We are Open!


We are happy to announce that we have re-opened our office as of June 15, 2020

You can schedule your appointment today!

We will be reinforcing strict screening procedures and noting any possible signs & symptoms related to COVID-19 with every patient that walks through our doors.

If you think you may be exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please contact us and Dr. Dan will ask you questions over the phone and direct you to a a proper screening facility for further testing.

Please be aware:

  1. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure

  2. We will be inquiring you about recent travel and exposure to symptomatic people

  3. Signs and symptoms of Cough and Shortness of breath

  4. Signs and symptoms of at least 2 of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell or GI issues.

There are some special policy changes to know before your visit!

  • We will be diligent in spacing out scheduled patients to give us sufficient time to sanitize the office prior to the next patient arriving

  • We ask that all patients alert us if you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 4 weeks

  • Every patient will be sent a simple questionnaire to monitor your risks of exposure

  • Please wash your hands in our bathroom prior to entering our office

  • All patients will have to wear a face mask! (we will provide one for you if you need!)

Hand Sanitizers are available and you are encouraged to use as much as you want!

We will be sanitizing every touched surface after every visit to ensure minimal exposure to the virus

This is a difficult time for everyone! We are currently re-building our patient base and we would appreciate any referral to your friends and family!

If you know anyone who are suffering from aches and pains and can benefit from chiropractic care, please let us know!

Dr. Daniel Huang