Can Vitamin D and Omega-3 Reduce Inflammation?

heart health

Have you been told that Vitamin D and Omega-3 supplements can help reduce symptoms of inflammation? In an ongoing VITDAL (VITamin D and omegA-3 TriaL) clinical randomized trail of 25,871 US men and women, scientists tried to see if taking those supplements actually reduces the risk of developing cancer, heart disease and stroke in people with no prior history of these illnesses.

So far it's been one year and the results does not look promising when it comes to decrease in inflammatory bio-markers. Although participates have increase levels of one type of Vit D (25-OH) and one type of omega-3 (n-3 FA), the changes in interleukin-6 (inflammatory marker) had actually increased.

There are some limiting factors in this study such as they only tested one form of Vit-D and Omega-3 from one brand. Also, out of the 25k participants, the team had only tested 1,500 so far.

Time will tell if taking these supplements truly decrease your levels of inflammation in your body and furthermore, have positive effects in reducing your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and stroke.