Deadbug with Weights


Deadbug with Weights:

The dead/dying bug is one of my favorite exercises for those experiencing acute lower back pain. After a detailed exam and history taking, I often have the patient perform this move to tolerance to regain confidence and control of their core musculature

By adding a weight, we can engage the lats to increase the number of muscle recruitment. Our goal is to keep the patient moving and engaging the muscles that keep them upright. Slight discomfort is OK. Pain often doesn't equal damage!!

Always be aware that certain rehabilitation exercises are good for one condition but can be contraindicated (not allowed) for another. Always seek professional advice if you are experiencing any discomfort!

Level Up Sports Chiropractic is a studio clinic delivering 1-on-1 rehabilitation to those in Murray Hill, New York City. If you work or live near Midtown Manhattan, contact us for a consultation!