What are Shin Splints?


Today's exercise is a great for those who suffers from chronic shin splints. They are most common in runners but can occur in other populations as well

Medically known as "medial tibial pain syndrome", it is essentially pain along the inside part of the shin bone. Repetitive stresses on your bone can cause the connective tissues become worn out

Prevention: Analyze your running biomechanics, Choose the right shoes, Lessen the impact by cross training, and most importantly, STRENGTH Training 💪🏻

This is just one of the many great exercises you can do to help with this condition. The goal is to add progressive load to build tolerance and allow for that area to be more resilient 👍👍

Level Up Sports Chiropractic is a studio clinic delivering 1-on-1 rehabilitation to those in Murray Hill, New York City. If you work or live near Midtown Manhattan, contact us for a consultation!