The Skin Vitamin: Vitamin A


🥦What is Vitamin A?🥕

Vitamin A is an important antioxidant that helps protect our cells against cancer and other diseases. It is important for cell growth (bones, teeth, skin, mucus membranes, etc.). It also guards us against heart disease and stroke

Deficiency of Vitamin A can cause dry hair, skin and dryness in the layers of your eyes

Sources comes from animal liver, fish liver oils and veggies/fruits that are green and yellow. Foods with high levels of Vit A includes apricots, asparagus, broccoli, cantaloupe and the most famous of them all...carrots

Caution: Taking more than 100,000 IU of Vitamin A daily over long periods can be toxic to your liver. Those who have liver disease or are pregnant are asked to speak with their doctors about safe levels of the vitamins

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